Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Indian Culture Women

Source:-( Google.com.pk)
Indian Culture Women Biography
Indian women don't have the same freedom as Indian men do. The irony is they we are made to believe we are free. We are provided for by our parents completely: Food, shelter, education, and all other expenses are covered. We are not expected to move out. In return, of course, we are expected to be abjectly loyal to our family. This includes forcibly attending community events despite having absolutely zero interest in socializing with fellow "Indians." My point is, despite being educated, Indian women are never really free. These may sound like first-world problems, but the concept of keeping up with the joneses is extremely important to Indians. Ensuring your respective son or daughter is better than your family friend's son or daughter (whether that be academically, professionally or otherwise) 

Women are often under the iron fist rule of their fathers, and sometimes their mothers.  They are expected to behave a certain way, follow certain unspoken rules, and conform to the fucked up superficial values that make a "good girl". This includes never speaking up, never cursing, never wanting to date(because why wouldn't you want a commitment from the first boy you are infatuated with, and then get married right?), coming home at a reasonable hour, not wanting to ever leave the house to socialize, etc. 

Please don't get me wrong. Indian parents love their children unconditionally. They make huge personal sacrifices to ensure their children get the best of everything. They want nothing but happiness for their children. Unfortunately, since India is still a third world country, resources are unequally distributed, the caste system still prevails, and many other social ills run permeate the fabric of the nation. Many of the above abnormalities are a result of dogmatic thinking.  They have a very narrow view of what it means to be successful in life, and most of this view is an imitiation of values that are consistent with what Indian society dictates. It is not the same as America where the creative fields command equal respect as technical ones. 

It is little wonder, women come to believe they are subordinate and never speak up. This leads to Indian males thinking Indian females are inferior; and should be treated that way. They don't see them as fully developed human beings. When we go to the villages, women sit in the kitchen, because their roles are limited to that. Amongst the city men, their poor egos are bruised when an Indian female dares to rebute their argument. They feel incredible anger, as if the woman has done something unnatural. I don't believe Indian men still consider women as equals, even in urban environments. In addition, the mentality is such that if a girl is seen alone with a guy in public it leads to gossip and allegations of non-platonic relations. If a family friend happens to see them, the news will reach home before the respective daughter reaches home (ie Bend It Like Beckham). 

-Women are not able to develop their identities fully. They are discouraged from taking risks. Subcultures that you find in the west, such as Goth, Hipsters, Punk, etc are basically unheard of. Aberrations to the norm are considered suspicious, and enough reason for a family to be ostracized within Indian society. Indian girls are discouraged from wanting anything more than what they feel their parents deserve. Their stories have been written for them by their parents, and they are expected to conform to them. Indian parents slowly suck the life out of you. God help you if you are a Brahmin. 
Indian Culture Women
Indian Culture Women
Indian Culture Women
Indian Culture Women
Indian Culture Women
Indian Culture Women
Indian Culture Women
Indian Culture Women
Indian Culture Women
Indian Culture Women
Indian Culture Women
Indian Culture Women
Indian Culture Women