Western Influence On Indian Culture Biography
Influence of West on Indian Culture was a result of the colonial rule in the 19th century. Indian literature, philosophy, customs and notions underwent grave changes under the Western influence.
In the modern age the West has entered into India mainly through the British and so the story of India`s contact with the West is woven round the Indo British relationship that began developing after the fall of the Mughal Empire. For the first fifty years of the British Raj the attitude was one of indifference towards the Indians. This mood changed as the nineteenth century advanced and under the stress of the utilitarian and liberal philosophy born of the rising material and scientific progress in England it was realised that the Indians were very superstitious and uncivilised, that nothing good could be salvaged from the Indian culture and therefore they must be reformed. In the third period zeal for innovation was checked. The British in India looked at the Indians with a mixture of toleration and contempt.
Western Influence on Literature
India discovered its ancient heritage through the efforts of a group of Europeans who took. It was through the efforts of Warren Hastings, Sir William Jones, Sir Charles Wilkins, Colebrook, Horace Wilson, James Prinsep and others that the ancient Sanskrit classics were introduced to India herself. Hodgson discovered the literature of Northern Buddhism. Roth published his treatise on the Literature and the History of the Veda in 1846. The English and other Europeans also led in the fields of archaeology, numismatics and other sources of history. Indians discovered themselves through the West. The printing press which has been another instrument of our national awakening was given by the West. The introduction of English as a medium of education has been a tremendous factor in the growth of modernism in India. The English literature is a literature of freedom. English books introduced new ideas. Sanskrit works were translated. Newspapers were started which helped India to keep contact with the outside world and also with the political, economic and social ills of the country.
Western Influence on Philosophy and Religion
In the philosophic field the West gave new philosophies of materialism, realism and idealism. Old beliefs were denounced. It produced a revivalist mentality. Raja Ram Mohan Roy had begun a school which rejected the evil, reformed old abuses and renovated the religious and social life.
The British gave all that led to scientific, technical and mechanical inventions. They had prepared the ground for the Indian renaissance. India was roused from its intellectual unconsciousness by contact with the West and turned to it for inspiration in economic and scientific fields specially.
The word CULTURE has been derived from a French word CULTURA which means to cultivate, to till, to grow. Therefore culture is a process of growth through the means of education, discipline, training etc..
Western and Indian cultures are diametrically opposed. The reason for this is that western culture is based on the principles of MATERIALISM, whereas Indian culture is based on the tenets and principles of SPIRITUALISM. Materialism stands for worldly possessions, wealth, canons of economics, material gains etc., whereas spiritualism stands for moral values, ethics, scruples, virtues and the power to distinguish between right and wrong, between good and evil, between correct and incorrect etc.
It is essential to have material possessions in this world. It is a source of sustenance. It is a must to have economic advancement and liberalisation alongwith globalisation. Scientific advancement is another sphere where India as a country needs to develop. Technological development is essential for India today. With the advent of cable TV and the Internet, urban India is very well connected with the rest of the world and is abreast with the latest hap
15th August 1947, the golden day in Indian History, the day when the British rule in India met its end. It was the day when India was declared free from the foreign rule. The English people have left but they left the seeds of their culture in our land, which have eventually grown and overshadowed the Indian culture, especially in the metros. The Indian culture is so much influenced by the west that they have forgotten the values, the principles and the ethics of our own culture. The people are now loosing their morals, they have forgotten to respect their elders, we have forgotten how to live in a society. The people are becoming more and more self centred, they only take care of themselves and do no even think about others. The night club culture has slowly developed. The youth now is found in clubs drinking and smoking. They now do not like to spend their time with family rather they just want to party at night with their friends. Even the girls have lost their morals. Now a girl going out with different guys for money is not a new site. The use of drugs has increased at a very large level. Now a girl does not feel any shame to show off her body in public or to roam around half naked in front of her own family members. They say it’s "Fashion", but in reality they are just serving the feast for the eyes of the people. The incest relationships are developing throwing the mud on the term "relation". Now a daughter can't trust his own father as the cases of father raping his own daughter are rising. The western culture has also gives some positive thing to the Indian Culture but on the whole it has negatively affected our culture. So to protect us from it we need to change our thinking and rather than running towards west, make ourselves so powerful that they follow rather than us following them.
generation, indian culture, materialism, moral values, spiritualism, western culture, generation gap, a generation, diametrically opposed, right and wrong, good and evil, ethics, Love and affection, Technological development, cable tv, righteousness, happenings, witness, sustenance, CULTURA, infiltrated, ruination, liberalisation, overriding, existance, cultivate, basic, globalisation, civilisations, wiped, Himalayas, rearing, gurus, psychiatrists, pleasures, engrossed, ecclesiastical, brethren, greeting, Egypt, Rome, Greece, our lives, fabric, no future, Scientific, has held, our power, meeting, education.
The cultural life of a land consists of social behaviour of the inhabitants as manifested in their typical custom and usages, its spiritual emancipation enriched by the advancements of ethics, philosophy and religion, its aesthetic experiences and technical abilities expressed through the medium of fine arts and other aspects of higher pursuits of intellectual life.
The book examines in some detail the traces that the westerners left upon three major aspects Indian culture, viz. social life, fine arts and religion. It is an attempt to present a picture of the cross-fertilization of ideas in an age of Indian history when it came in contact with the geographically external ethnic elements.
Western Influence On Indian Culture Biography
Influence of West on Indian Culture was a result of the colonial rule in the 19th century. Indian literature, philosophy, customs and notions underwent grave changes under the Western influence.
In the modern age the West has entered into India mainly through the British and so the story of India`s contact with the West is woven round the Indo British relationship that began developing after the fall of the Mughal Empire. For the first fifty years of the British Raj the attitude was one of indifference towards the Indians. This mood changed as the nineteenth century advanced and under the stress of the utilitarian and liberal philosophy born of the rising material and scientific progress in England it was realised that the Indians were very superstitious and uncivilised, that nothing good could be salvaged from the Indian culture and therefore they must be reformed. In the third period zeal for innovation was checked. The British in India looked at the Indians with a mixture of toleration and contempt.
Western Influence on Literature
India discovered its ancient heritage through the efforts of a group of Europeans who took. It was through the efforts of Warren Hastings, Sir William Jones, Sir Charles Wilkins, Colebrook, Horace Wilson, James Prinsep and others that the ancient Sanskrit classics were introduced to India herself. Hodgson discovered the literature of Northern Buddhism. Roth published his treatise on the Literature and the History of the Veda in 1846. The English and other Europeans also led in the fields of archaeology, numismatics and other sources of history. Indians discovered themselves through the West. The printing press which has been another instrument of our national awakening was given by the West. The introduction of English as a medium of education has been a tremendous factor in the growth of modernism in India. The English literature is a literature of freedom. English books introduced new ideas. Sanskrit works were translated. Newspapers were started which helped India to keep contact with the outside world and also with the political, economic and social ills of the country.
Western Influence on Philosophy and Religion
In the philosophic field the West gave new philosophies of materialism, realism and idealism. Old beliefs were denounced. It produced a revivalist mentality. Raja Ram Mohan Roy had begun a school which rejected the evil, reformed old abuses and renovated the religious and social life.
The British gave all that led to scientific, technical and mechanical inventions. They had prepared the ground for the Indian renaissance. India was roused from its intellectual unconsciousness by contact with the West and turned to it for inspiration in economic and scientific fields specially.
The word CULTURE has been derived from a French word CULTURA which means to cultivate, to till, to grow. Therefore culture is a process of growth through the means of education, discipline, training etc..
Western and Indian cultures are diametrically opposed. The reason for this is that western culture is based on the principles of MATERIALISM, whereas Indian culture is based on the tenets and principles of SPIRITUALISM. Materialism stands for worldly possessions, wealth, canons of economics, material gains etc., whereas spiritualism stands for moral values, ethics, scruples, virtues and the power to distinguish between right and wrong, between good and evil, between correct and incorrect etc.
It is essential to have material possessions in this world. It is a source of sustenance. It is a must to have economic advancement and liberalisation alongwith globalisation. Scientific advancement is another sphere where India as a country needs to develop. Technological development is essential for India today. With the advent of cable TV and the Internet, urban India is very well connected with the rest of the world and is abreast with the latest hap
15th August 1947, the golden day in Indian History, the day when the British rule in India met its end. It was the day when India was declared free from the foreign rule. The English people have left but they left the seeds of their culture in our land, which have eventually grown and overshadowed the Indian culture, especially in the metros. The Indian culture is so much influenced by the west that they have forgotten the values, the principles and the ethics of our own culture. The people are now loosing their morals, they have forgotten to respect their elders, we have forgotten how to live in a society. The people are becoming more and more self centred, they only take care of themselves and do no even think about others. The night club culture has slowly developed. The youth now is found in clubs drinking and smoking. They now do not like to spend their time with family rather they just want to party at night with their friends. Even the girls have lost their morals. Now a girl going out with different guys for money is not a new site. The use of drugs has increased at a very large level. Now a girl does not feel any shame to show off her body in public or to roam around half naked in front of her own family members. They say it’s "Fashion", but in reality they are just serving the feast for the eyes of the people. The incest relationships are developing throwing the mud on the term "relation". Now a daughter can't trust his own father as the cases of father raping his own daughter are rising. The western culture has also gives some positive thing to the Indian Culture but on the whole it has negatively affected our culture. So to protect us from it we need to change our thinking and rather than running towards west, make ourselves so powerful that they follow rather than us following them.
generation, indian culture, materialism, moral values, spiritualism, western culture, generation gap, a generation, diametrically opposed, right and wrong, good and evil, ethics, Love and affection, Technological development, cable tv, righteousness, happenings, witness, sustenance, CULTURA, infiltrated, ruination, liberalisation, overriding, existance, cultivate, basic, globalisation, civilisations, wiped, Himalayas, rearing, gurus, psychiatrists, pleasures, engrossed, ecclesiastical, brethren, greeting, Egypt, Rome, Greece, our lives, fabric, no future, Scientific, has held, our power, meeting, education.
The cultural life of a land consists of social behaviour of the inhabitants as manifested in their typical custom and usages, its spiritual emancipation enriched by the advancements of ethics, philosophy and religion, its aesthetic experiences and technical abilities expressed through the medium of fine arts and other aspects of higher pursuits of intellectual life.
The book examines in some detail the traces that the westerners left upon three major aspects Indian culture, viz. social life, fine arts and religion. It is an attempt to present a picture of the cross-fertilization of ideas in an age of Indian history when it came in contact with the geographically external ethnic elements.
Western Influence On Indian Culture
Western Influence On Indian Culture

Western Influence On Indian Culture

Western Influence On Indian Culture

Western Influence On Indian Culture

Western Influence On Indian Culture

Western Influence On Indian Culture

Western Influence On Indian Culture

Western Influence On Indian Culture

Western Influence On Indian Culture

Western Influence On Indian Culture

Western Influence On Indian Culture

Western Influence On Indian Culture